Side Projects


I first got into photography in high school and have been passionate about it ever since. I’ve experimented with various styles, including landscapes, street portraits, and more artistic approaches. Photography has transformed the way I perceive the world around me. Often visiting thrift stores, I started to collect vintage lenses and camera bodies. Instead of letting these items sit on shelves collecting dust, I decided to explore ways to make them functional again. With my interest in 3D printing and product design, I began developing custom lens mounts. The first lens mount I designed was for a Cosmicar 12.5mm c-mount lens, which was originally designed for television cameras. Through experimentation I have been able to create new ways for things see things to be seen which is what drives me to create and help build a better world around me.

Custom 3D Printed C-Mount to Sony E-Mount Adaptor

Kane Laninga

Pittsburgh PA 15203 | (440)-384-9746 |

© Kane Laninga, 2025